Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (2024)

The Fall 2019 Wizard101 Test Realm brings with it some new gear for level 130 wizards! You can find this gear in the Catacombs zone/dungeons in Golem Court.

What are They and Where Do I Get Them?

There are 3 tiers of gear available. Each tier has an entire set of gear (hat, robe, boots, wand, amulet, athame, ring). Tier 1 is a crafted set that also requires pieces from the Tier 2 gear. Tier 2 can be crafted and also is dropped from bosses). Tier 3 are dropped.

  • Tier 1
  • Tier 2
  • Tier 3

Catacombs Dragoon Gear– Tier 1

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (1)The Dragoon Gear can only be dropped from Skeleton Key Boss Fellspawn, or crafted. The name of the vendor is Zasha Emberforge and she is located in the main area of the Upper Level of the Catacombs.

You can reach the the area by entering the Drains in Golem Court and then walking to the Catacombs (you’ll need to unlock the area through questing first).

The gear recipes show that they require the associated Vanguard gear item (e.g., the Fire Dragoon Robe requires the Fire Vanguard Robe). But the good news is that the Vanguard item can ANY school (e.g., you can use the Vanguard Robe of any school to craft the Fire Dragoon Robe).

The recipes also require the following new reagents:

  • 300 Alchemical Extract
  • 50 Alchemical Salts
  • 5 Alchemical Crystals

All of these new reagents drop in the various fights in the Catacombs. In addition, Zasha has two transmute recipes:

  • 10 Alchemical Extract for 1 Alchemical Salts
  • 10 Alchemical Salts for 1 Alchemical Crystals

Catacombs Vanguard Gear– Tier 2

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (2)The Vanguard Gear can be crafted as well. The recipes are available from Zasha Emberforge and require:

  • 180 Alchemical Extract
  • 30 Alchemical Salts
  • 3 Alchemical Crystals.

The Vanguard Gear also is a rare drop (estimated around 2% of the time) from the following Catacombs bosses:

  • Hats: King Detritus (Abandoned House dungeon in The Drains)
  • Robes: Sir Greggor and General Greyflame (Foetid Crypt dungeon in Upper Catacombs; note that you can get the robe from the first fight with Greyflame)
  • Boots: Prince Viggor (Viggor’s Tomb dungeon in Upper Catacombs — was Viggor’s Drake before update 11/21)
  • Wands: The Devourer(Edge of the Spiral dungeon in Lower Catacombs)
  • Athames: Renegade Druid (Avalon dungeon in Lower Catacombs)
  • Amulets: Stharilith (Valencia dungeon in Lower Catacombs)
  • Rings: The Devourer (Edge of the Spiral dungeon in Lower Catacombs)

Thanks to Alex Lionheart and Ravino on Twitter, and to the community on the Final Bastion for their helpful info on the drops.

Catacombs Soldier Gear– Tier 3

The Soldier gear seems to drop from most of the bosses and mobs in the Catacombs dungeons. At a minimum, you can get the Soldier gear from the same bosses that drop their respective Vanguard Gear.

As a reminder, you’ll reach the Catacombs by entering the Drains in Golem Court and then walking to the Catacombs (you’ll need to unlock the area through questing first).

How Do They Compare to Current Gear?

  • Hats
  • Robes
  • Boots
  • Wands
  • Athames
  • Amulets
  • Rings


  • Offensive (no universal resist) — very similar to the Paradox gear
  • Slight upgrade in all Paradox stats, except:
    • Damage is slightly lower
    • New hats have some pierce (Paradox hats didn’t)
  • The highest tier hats also have a 0-pip mass trap.

Evaluation: Most wizards using the Paradox hat will want to upgrade.


  • Defensive — focus on health, resist and block (similar to many of the recent robes)
  • Could be of interest given:
    • Significant health, block, and universal resist
    • Also has power pip chance, a little accuracy and a little pierce

Evaluation: With very limited accuracy, no critical and no damage, many Wizards may choose to continue with their Tenni’syn, Darkmoor or Bonemasher robes.


  • Similar to the Paradox boots, with the following differences:
    • Significantly more universal resist
    • More health and critical
    • Slightly less power pip chance
    • Similar damage
  • Provide Sharpend Blade and Potent Trap cards, which can be helpful for stacking.

Evaluation: These are widely considered to be the best part of the new gear. It’s definitely worthwhile to get them.


  • Similar to Paradox wands:
    • More damage and block
    • Significantly more pip conversion

Evaluation: Not as attractive as some Crowns options, like wands from the Sinbad Hoard or Pandamonium Hoard packs. In addition, some wizards may continue to use Revered wand for pierce


  • Comparison to Darkmoor and Morganthe athames:
    • Significantly more health
    • Slightly less damage
    • No power pip chance
    • Has significant critical block
    • Less healing boost

Evaluation: Somewhat interesting option (choosing between health and power pip chance)


  • Upgrade to Rasputin amulets in stats
    • More health
    • Slightly more critical block
    • Similar resist

Evaluation: If you don’t value offensive stats like pierce or critical, this amulet is certainly worthwhile. Even if you prefer offense, the defensive stats are very compelling, regardless. The Dragoon and Vanguard version have 4-pip AoE spell cards with solid damage (Dragoon has 2 and Vanguard has 1), so potentially very helpful to Life and Death wizards


  • Upgrade to the Paradox Ring
    • More health, critical and damage
    • For Life, more outgoing healing (no incoming)
    • For other schools, more incoming healing (no outgoing)

Evaluation: Solid ring for offensive PvE builds. Likely outclassed by the Level 100 Duelist Ring for PvP.

Here’s the gear, organized by school. If you get any Vanguard or Soldier gear drops that we are missing, please pass it along (Email finalbastion101@gmail.com or send it in a message in our Discord server) and we’ll add it to the guide! Thank you.


  • Hats
  • Robes
  • Boots
  • Wands
  • Athames
  • Amulets
  • Rings

Balance Hats

Dragoon’s Balanced Helm

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (3)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Vanguard’s Balanced Helm

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (4)

Thanks to Charles

Tier 2 (Dropped)

Soldier’s Balanced Helm

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (5)

Thanks to Luke Lionthistle

Tier 3 (Dropped)

Balance Robes

Dragoon’s Balanced Armor

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (6)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Vanguard’s Balanced Armor

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (7)

Thanks to Blaze Fireheart

Tier 2 (Dropped)

Soldier’s Balanced Armor

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (8)

Tier 3 (Dropped)

Balance Boots

Dragoon’s Balanced Boots

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (9)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Vanguard’s Balanced Boots

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (10)

Thanks to Toreva and Adaby

Tier 2 (Dropped)

Soldier’s Balanced Boots


Tier 3 (Dropped)

Balance Wands

Dragoon’s Balanced Broadsword

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (11)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Vanguard’s Balanced Sword

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (12)

Tier 2 (Dropped)

Soldier’s Balanced Cutlass

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (13)

Tier 3 (Dropped)

Balance Athames

Dragoon’s Balanced Dagger

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (14)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Vanguard’s Balanced Dagger

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (15)

Thanks to 三鹿奶粉

Tier 2 (Dropped)

Soldier’s Balanced Dagger

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (16)

Thanks to Grace Ironriver

Tier 3 (Dropped)

Balance Amulets

Dragoon’s Balanced Charm

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (17)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Vanguard’s Balanced Charm

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (18)

Tier 2 (Dropped)

Soldier’s Balanced Charm

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (19)

Tier 3 (Dropped)

Balance Rings

Dragoon’s Balanced Ring

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (20)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Vanguard’s Balanced Ring

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (21)

Tier 2 (Dropped)

Soldier’s Balanced Ring

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (22)

Tier 3 (Dropped)


  • Hats
  • Robes
  • Boots
  • Wands
  • Athames
  • Amulets
  • Rings

Death Hats

Dragoon’s Deadly Helm

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (23)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Vanguard’s Deadly Helm

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (24)

Thanks to 三鹿奶粉

Tier 2 (Dropped)

Soldier’s Deadly Helm

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (25)

Tier 3 (Dropped)

Death Robes

Dragoon’s Deadly Armor

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (26)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Vanguard’s Deadly Armor

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (27)

Thanks to Sharmuthe!

Tier 2 (Dropped)

Soldier’s Deadly Armor

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (28)

Thanks to Tranzmuter

Tier 3 (Dropped)

Death Boots

Dragoon’s Deadly Boots

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (29)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Vanguard’s Deadly Boots

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (30)

Thanks to bork

Tier 2 (Dropped)

Soldier’s Deadly Boots

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (31)

Tier 3 (Dropped)

Death Wands

Dragoon’s Deadly Broadsword

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (32)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Vanguard’s Deadly Sword

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (33)

Tier 2 (Dropped)

Soldier’s Deadly Longsword

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (34)

Tier 3 (Dropped)

Death Athames

Dragoon’s Deadly Dagger

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (35)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Vanguard’s Deadly Dagger

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (36)

Tier 2 (Dropped)

Soldier’s Deadly Dagger

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (37)

Tier 3 (Dropped)

Death Amulets

Dragoon’s Deadly Charm

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (38)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Soldier’s Deadly Charm

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (40)

Tier 3 (Dropped)

Death Rings

Dragoon’s Deadly Ring

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (41)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Vanguard’s Deadly Ring

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (42)

Thanks to Soap

Tier 2 (Dropped)

Soldier’s Deadly Ring

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (43)

Thanks to Soap

Tier 3 (Dropped)


  • Hats
  • Robes
  • Boots
  • Wands
  • Athames
  • Amulets
  • Rings

Fire Hats

Dragoon’s Fiery Helm

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (44)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Vanguard’s Fiery Helm

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (45)

Thanks to Jack Nightingale

Tier 2 (Dropped)

Soldier’s Fiery Helm

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (46)

Thanks to Kane Wildthief

Tier 3 (Dropped)

Fire Robes

Dragoon’s Fiery Armor

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (47)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Vanguard’s Fiery Armor

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (48)

Thanks to Sharmuthe!

Tier 2 (Dropped)

Soldier’s Fiery Armor

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (49)

Thanks to Samuel Stormstalker

Tier 3 (Dropped)

Fire Boots

Dragoon’s Fiery Boots

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (50)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Vanguard’s Fiery Boots

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (51)

Thanks to JHRKampery0

Tier 2 (Dropped)

Soldier’s Fiery Boots

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (52)

Tier 3 (Dropped)

Fire Wands

Dragoon’s Fiery Broadsword

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (53)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Vanguard’s Fiery Sword

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (54)

Tier 2 (Dropped)

Soldier’s Fiery Blade

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (55)

Thanks to Blaze Fireheart

Tier 3 (Dropped)

Fire Athames

Dragoon’s Fiery Dagger

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (56)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Vanguard’s Fiery Dagger

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (57)

Tier 2 (Dropped)

Soldier’s Fiery Dagger

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (58)

Thanks to pneumonoultramicroscopicsil.

Tier 3 (Dropped)

Fire Amulets

Dragoon’s Fiery Charm

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (59)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Vanguard’s Fiery Charm

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (60)

Tier 2 (Dropped)

Soldier’s Fiery Charm

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (61)

Thanks to Grace Ironriver

Tier 3 (Dropped)

Fire Rings

Dragoon’s Fiery Ring

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (62)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Vanguard’s Fiery Ring

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (63)

Tier 2 (Dropped)

Soldier’s Fiery Ring

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (64)

Tier 3 (Dropped)


  • Hats
  • Robes
  • Boots
  • Wands
  • Athames
  • Amulets
  • Rings

Ice Hats

Dragoon’s Icy Helm

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (65)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Vanguard’s Icy Helm

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (66)

Tier 2 (Dropped)

Soldier’s Icy Helm

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (67)

Tier 3 (Dropped)

Ice Robes

Dragoon’s Icy Armor

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (68)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Vanguard’s Icy Armor

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (69)

Thanks to Shocked

Tier 2 (Dropped in Greggor instance)

Soldier’s Icy Armor

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (70)

Thanks to Tranzmuter

Tier 3 (Dropped)

Ice Boots

Dragoon’s Icy Boots

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (71)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Vanguard’s Icy Boots

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (72)

Thanks to Frost

Tier 2 (Dropped from Viggor’s Drake)

Soldier’s Icy Boots

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (73)

Thanks to TotallyNotFighter

Tier 3 (Dropped)

Ice Wands

Dragoon’s Icy Broadsword

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (74)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Vanguard’s Icy Sword

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (75)

Tier 2 (Dropped)

Soldier’s Icy Battle Axe

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (76)

Thanks to Kane Wildthief!

Tier 3 (Dropped)

Ice Athames

Dragoon’s Icy Dagger

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (77)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Vanguard’s Icy Dagger

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (78)

Tier 2 (Dropped)

Soldier’s Icy Dagger

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (79)

Thanks to pneumonoultramicroscopicsil

Tier 3 (Dropped)

Ice Amulets

Dragoon’s Icy Charm

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (80)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Vanguard’s Icy Charm

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (81)

Tier 2 (Dropped)

Soldier’s Icy Charm

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (82)

Thanks to Frost

Tier 3 (Dropped)

Ice Rings

Dragoon’s Icy Ring

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (83)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Vanguard’s Icy Ring

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (84)

Thanks to Soap

Tier 2 (Dropped)

Soldier’s Icy Ring

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (85)

Tier 3 (Dropped)


  • Hats
  • Robes
  • Boots
  • Wands
  • Athames
  • Amulets
  • Rings

Life Hats

Dragoon’s Vibrant Helm

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (86)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Vanguard’s Vibrant Helm

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (87)

Thanks to Richard Death

Tier 2 (Dropped)

Soldier’s Vibrant Helm

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (88)

Thanks to Tranzmuter

Tier 3 (Dropped)

Life Robes

Dragoon’s Vibrant Armor

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (89)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Vanguard’s Vibrant Armor

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (90)

Thanks to Sparky Flamefire

Tier 2 (Dropped)

Soldier’s Vibrant Armor

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (91)

Thanks to Tranzmuter

Tier 3 (Dropped)

Life Boots

Dragoon’s Vibrant Boots

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (92)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Vanguard’s Vibrant Boots

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (93)

Thanks to Frost

Tier 2 (Dropped)

Soldier’s Vibrant Boots

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (94)

Tier 3 (Dropped)

Thanks to Benjamin

Life Wands

Dragoon’s Vibrant Broadsword

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (95)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Vanguard’s Vibrant Sword

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (96)

Tier 2 (Dropped)

Soldier’s Vibrant Saber

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (97)

Thanks to Tranzmuter

Tier 3 (Dropped)

Life Athames

Dragoon’s Vibrant Dagger

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (98)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Vanguard’s Vibrant Dagger

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (99)

Tier 2 (Dropped)

Soldier’s Vibrant Dagger

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (100)

Tier 3 (Dropped)

Life Amulets

Dragoon’s Vibrant Charm

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (101)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Vanguard’s Vibrant Charm

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (102)

Tier 2 (Dropped)

Soldier’s Vibrant Charm

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (103)

Thanks to Grace Ironriver

Tier 3 (Dropped)

Life Rings

Dragoon’s Vibrant Ring

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (104)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Vanguard’s Vibrant Ring

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (105)

Tier 2 (Dropped)

Soldier’s Vibrant Ring

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (106)

Thanks to Frost

Tier 3 (Dropped)


  • Hats
  • Robes
  • Boots
  • Wands
  • Athames
  • Amulets
  • Rings

Myth Hats

Dragoon’s Mythic Helm

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (107)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Vanguard’s Mythic Helm

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (108)

Thanks to Richard Death

Tier 2 (Dropped)

Soldier’s Mythic Helm

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (109)

Thanks to Blaze

Tier 3 (Dropped)

Myth Robes

Dragoon’s Mythic Armor

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (110)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Vanguard’s Mythic Armor

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (111)

Tier 2 (Dropped)

Soldier’s Mythic Armor

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (112)

Thanks to JHRKampery0

Tier 3 (Dropped)

Myth Boots

Dragoon’s Mythic Boots

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (113)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Vanguard’s Mythic Boots

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (114)

Tier 2 (Dropped)

Soldier’s Mythic Boots

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (115)

Tier 3 (Dropped)

Myth Wands

Dragoon’s Mythic Broadsword

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (116)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Vanguard’s Mythic Sword

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (117)

Tier 2 (Dropped)

Soldier’s Mythic War Axe

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (118)

Thanks to Sparkyflamefire

Tier 3 (Dropped)

Myth Athames

Dragoon’s Mythic Dagger

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (119)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Vanguard’s Mythic Dagger

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (120)

Tier 2 (Dropped)

Soldier’s Mythic Dagger

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (121)

Thanks to Luke Lionthistle

Tier 3 (Dropped)

Myth Amulets

Dragoon’s Mythic Charm

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (122)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Vanguard’s Mythic Charm

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (123)

Thanks to Frost

Tier 2 (Dropped)

Soldier’s Mythic Charm

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (124)

Tier 3 (Dropped)

Myth Rings

Dragoon’s Mythic Ring

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (125)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Vanguard’s Mythic Ring

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (126)

Thanks to Toreva

Tier 2 (Dropped)

Soldier’s Mythic Ring

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (127)

Thanks to Cyton

Tier 3 (Dropped)


  • Hats
  • Robes
  • Boots
  • Wands
  • Athames
  • Amulets
  • Rings

Storm Hats

Dragoon’s Shocking Helm

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (128)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Vanguard’s Shocking Helm

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (129)

Thanks to totallynotfighter

Tier 2 (Dropped)

Soldier’s Shocking Helm

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (130)

Tier 3 (Dropped)

Storm Robes

Dragoon’s Shocking Armor

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (131)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Vanguard’s Shocking Armor

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (132)

Thanks to Blaze Fireheart

Tier 2 (Dropped)

Soldier’s Shocking Armor

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (133)

Thanks to Tranzmuter

Tier 3 (Dropped)

Storm Boots

Dragoon’s Shocking Boots

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (134)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Vanguard’s Shocking Boots

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (135)

Thanks to Frost

Tier 2 (Dropped from Viggor’s Drake)

Soldier’s Shocking Boots

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (136)

Thanks to Lauren

Tier 3 (Dropped)

Storm Wands

Dragoon’s Shocking Broadsword

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (137)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Vanguard’s Shocking Sword

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (138)

Tier 2 (Dropped)

Soldier’s Shocking Shortsword

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (139)

Thanks to TotallyNotFighter

Tier 3 (Dropped)

Storm Athames

Dragoon’s Shocking Dagger

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (140)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Vanguard’s Shocking Dagger

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (141)

Tier 2 (Dropped)

Soldier’s Shocking Dagger

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (142)

Thanks to Blaze

Tier 3 (Dropped)

Storm Amulets

Dragoon’s Shocking Charm

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (143)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Vanguard’s Shocking Charm

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (144)

Tier 2 (Dropped)

Soldier’s Shocking Charm


Tier 3 (Dropped)

Storm Rings

Dragoon’s Shocking Ring

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (145)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Vanguard’s Shocking Ring

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (146)

Thanks to Cyton

Tier 2 (Dropped)

Soldier’s Shocking Ring

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (147)

Tier 3 (Dropped)


  • Hats
  • Robes
  • Boots
  • Wands
  • Athames
  • Amulets
  • Rings

Universal Hats

Dragonspyre Dragoon’s Helm

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (148)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Dragonspyre Vanguard’s Helm

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (149)

Thanks to ja

Tier 2 (Dropped)

Dragonspyre Soldier’s Helm

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (150)

Thanks to Toreva

Tier 3 (Dropped)

Universal Robes

Dragonspyre Dragoon’s Armor

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (151)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Dragonspyre Vanguard’s Armor

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (152)

Thanks to Alex Dawnwhisper

Tier 2 (Dropped)

Dragonspyre Soldier’s Armor

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (153)

Thanks to Tranzmuter

Tier 3 (Dropped)

Universal Boots

Dragonspyre Dragoon’s Boots

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (154)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Dragonspyre Vanguard’s Boots

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (155)

Tier 2 (Dropped)

Dragonspyre Soldier’s Boots

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (156)

Thanks to James GiantPants

Tier 3 (Dropped)

Universal Wands

Dragonspyre Dragoon Broadsword

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (157)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Dragonspyre Vanguard Sword

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (158)

Tier 2 (Dropped)

Dragonspyre Soldier Cleaver

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (159)

Tier 3 (Dropped)

Universal Athames

Dragonspyre Dragoon’s Dagger

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (160)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Dragonspyre Vanguard’s Dagger

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (161)

Tier 2 (Dropped)

Dragonspyre Soldier’s Dagger

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (162)

Thanks to pneumonoultramicroscopicsil

Tier 3 (Dropped)

Universal Amulets

Dragonspyre Dragoon’s Charm

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (163)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Dragonspyre Vanguard’s Charm

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (164)

Tier 2 (Dropped)

Dragonspyre Soldier’s Charm

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (165)

Thanks to Frost

Tier 3 (Dropped)

Universal Rings

Dragonspyre Dragoon’s Ring

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (166)

Tier 1 (Crafted)

Dragonspyre Vanguard’s Ring

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (167)

Thanks to soap

Tier 2 (Dropped)

Dragonspyre Soldier’s Ring

Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (168)

Tier 3 (Dropped)

What do you think of this gear?
If you have any missing images, email us at finalbastion101@gmail.com or leave a message in our Discord!

  • Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (169)
  • Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (170)
  • Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (171)
  • Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (172)
  • Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (173)

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Wizard101 Catacombs Gear (Level 130) - Final Bastion (2024)
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Author: Duane Harber

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Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.