Aurora - 30 Minute Forecast | NOAA (2024)


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Aurora - 30 Minute Forecast | NOAA (2)


Space Weather Prediction Center

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Thursday, August 01, 2024 17:32:08

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Aurora - 30 Minute Forecast | NOAA (6)

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This is a short-term forecast of the location and intensity of the aurora. This product is based on the OVATION model and provides a 30 to 90 minute forecast of the location and intensity of the aurora. The forecast lead time is the time it takes for the solar wind to travel from the L1 observation point to Earth.

The two maps show the North and South poles of Earth respectively. The brightness and location of the aurora is typically shown as a green oval centered on Earth’s magnetic pole. The green ovals turn red when the aurora is forecasted to be more intense. The sunlit side of Earth is indicated by the lighter blue of the ocean and the lighter color of the continents. Aurora can often be observed somewhere on Earth from just after sunset or just before sunrise. The aurora is not visible during daylight hours. The aurora does not need to be directly overhead but can be observed from as much as a 1000 km away when the aurora is bright and if conditions are right.

The aurora is an indicator of the current geomagnetic storm conditions and provides situational awareness for a number of technologies. The aurora directly impacts HF radio communication and GPS/GNSS satellite navigation. It is closely related to the ground induce currents that impact electric power transition.

For many people, the aurora is a beautiful nighttime phenomenon that is worth traveling to arctic regions just to observe. It is the only way for most people to actually experience space weather.

These links provide a discussion of the aurora phenomena and tips for the best opportunities to view aurora at various locations around the world.

Space Weather and GPS Systems

Electric Power Transmission

HF Radio Communications

The OVATION (Oval Variation, Assessment, Tracking, Intensity, and OnlineNowcasting) model is an empirical model of the intensity of the aurora developed at the Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory by Patrick Newell and co-workers1. The model uses the solar wind velocity and interplanetary magnetic field measured at the L1 orbit position at 1.6 million km (1 million miles) upstream from earth as input and calculates three types of electron precipitation and the proton precipitation which strongly correlate with the aurora. An estimate of aurora viewing probability can be derived by assuming a linear relationship to the intensity of the aurora. This relationship was validated by comparison with data from the Ultraviolet imager (UVI) instrument on the NASA Polar satellite(2).

On occasion, the input solar wind data are either contaminated or unavailable. In those instances, an alternative estimate of the solar wind forcing, based on the current Kp geomagnetic index is used to drive the OVATION model. When this occurs, there is no forecast lead time.

For more information on the OVATION model and aurora products, see:

  1. Newell, P. T., T.Sotirelis, and S. Wing (2009), Diffuse,monoenergetic, and broadband aurora: The global precipitation budget, J.Geophys. Res., 114, A09207,doi:10.1029/2009JA014326(link is external).
  2. Machol, J. L., Green., J. C.,Redmon, R. J.,Viereck, R. A., Newell, P. T., (2012), Evaluation of OVATION Prime as a forecast model for visibleaurorae, Space Weather, 10, 3,

In 2009, Newell et. al., developed the OVATION model.

In 2011, NOAA (NCEIandSWPC) developed a real-time version of the OVATION model to forecast the location and intensity of the aurora.MacholandRedmon(NCEI) developed the real-time ovation model. Viereck(SWPC) implemented the model and developed the graphical products to run inrealtimeto create aurora forecasts.

In 2013, Newell upgraded the OVATION Prime model so that it would more accurately capture large geomagnetic storms. The original model, based solely onDMSPdata, was only reliable to Kp of 7. By adding data from the NASA TIMEDGUVIinstrument, Newell et al., were able to expand the model to include the larger storm values of Kp of 8 and 9.

In 2016, NOAASWPCshared the operational OVATION code (written inIDL) with the UK Met Office in the UK. The UK Met Office converted the OVATION model fromIDLto Python.

In 2020, NOAASWPCimplemented the new version of the OVATION Prime model into operations. This version has been dubbed OVATION 2020.

The Auroral Forecast product is based on the OVATION Prime model developed by P. Newell at the Johns Hopkins, Applied Physics Laboratory.

The latest 24 hours of image frames comprising the Northern and Southern hemisphere loops (with time-tagged file names) are available:Northern,Southern

The most recentNorthern and Southern Hemisphere images (with static file names) are available:Northern,Southern

Auroral data in agridedformat for the entire Earth is available in compressed JSON format: Thelatest JSON fileis available as well.

The Hemispheric Power Index, an estimate of the total auroral energy input at each pole, is available in ASCII format:latest HPI

Aurora - 30 Minute Forecast | NOAA (2024)


How to read the aurora 30 minute forecast? ›

The brightness and location of the aurora is typically shown as a green oval centered on Earth's magnetic pole. The green ovals turn red when the aurora is forecasted to be more intense. The sunlit side of Earth is indicated by the lighter blue of the ocean and the lighter color of the continents.

What is the most accurate aurora forecast? ›

Glendale App is the world's most accurate aurora alerting and forecasting app. Over 150,000 users. Register to activate the full features of the app.

How accurate is the aurora forecast? ›

The sun is 91 million miles from Earth, which means a fast solar wind reaches us in about 80 to 90 hours; that's why accurate aurora forecasts are hard to make beyond two to three days.

How to understand aurora forecast? ›

The northern lights forecast typically provides information on the expected aurora activity level, often on a scale of 0 to 9 or similar, making it easy to decipher. Higher values indicate stronger geomagnetic storms and a greater likelihood of visible northern lights at lower latitudes.

What do the numbers mean on the aurora forecast? ›

The Kp index ranges from 0 to 9. For Kp in the range 0 to 2, the aurora will be far north, quite dim in intensity, and not very active. For Kp in the range of 3 to 5, the aurora will move further from the poles, it will become brighter and there will be more auroral activity (motion and formations).

How to use the aurora Forecast app? ›

How Do I Use The App To See The Northern Lights? First off, you'll need to download the Aurora app to your phone. Once logged in, you can check the live Aurora forecast right away. With the help of this app, you can get notifications when aurora activity is expected.

What is best time to see aurora tonight? ›

If they do show up, the best time to see the Northern Lights tonight will be an hour or so after sunset, though it's wise to check NOAA's aurora dashboard, its 30-minute forecast and, for those in the U.K., Lancaster University's AuroraWatch website.

How far in advance can aurora be predicted? ›

So you can plan your Northern Lights trip ahead of up to 27 days thanks to these prediction models. The 27-day Aurora Forecast gives a single value for each day. It describes how intense the Aurora might be, ranging from 0 (no aurora) to 9 (very intense).

Which direction to look for the Northern Lights? ›

Head north. The best way to see the northern lights is to head north. Most of the molecular activity that causes the northern lights happens near the Earth's magnetic poles. For that reason, the Arctic region is an ideal location for hunting the aurora.

What month is best to see the Northern Lights? ›

If you're planning an aurora-viewing trip, the best time is throughout the winter months. Anytime between late September to late March is a good time for northern lights hunting as the long nights provide ample aurora viewing opportunities.

Can you still see the Northern Lights if it's cloudy? ›

If there are just a few clouds scattered in the sky you can still see an amazing show — all you need to do is find the gaps between the clouds. So look for any openings and you'll have a chance of seeing some of this natural wonder. For the best experience though, it's best to aim for clear skies.

Where is the highest chance to see aurora? ›

Where is the best place to see the northern lights? The northern lights most commonly occur within the geographic area beneath the auroral oval. It encompasses latitudes between 60 and 75 degrees and takes in Iceland, northern parts of Sweden, Finland, Norway, Russia, Canada and Alaska as well as southern Greenland.

What is the best free app for the Northern Lights? ›

My Aurora Forecast is the best app for seeing the Northern Lights. Built with a sleek dark design, it appeals to both tourists and serious aurora watchers by telling you what you want to know. With this app, you'll be seeing the Northern Lights in no time.

Can aurora forecasts change? ›

They use current solar and geomagnetic data to predict aurora activity but are subject to rapid changes in space weather, which can affect accuracy.

What is a good NT for aurora? ›

When the north-south direction of IMF flips south, the magnetic field lines connect to the earth's magnetosphere which faces north. A rift opens that allows the solar wind to pour into our magnetosphere. Bz becomes negative, for example –10nT, which is a good sign that auroras will start to appear.

What is a good BZ for aurora? ›

When the north-south direction of IMF flips south, the magnetic field lines connect to the earth's magnetosphere which faces north. A rift opens that allows the solar wind to pour into our magnetosphere. Bz becomes negative, for example –10nT, which is a good sign that auroras will start to appear.

How do you read weather predictions? ›

Reading and Interpreting Forecast Steps:
  1. Get Familiar with the Forecast Layout. ...
  2. Master Weather Symbols and Icon. ...
  3. Analyze Temperature Ranges. ...
  4. Decode Precipitation Probability. ...
  5. Consider Wind Speed and Direction. ...
  6. Assess Humidity Levels. ...
  7. Take Note of Atmospheric Pressure.
Jul 15, 2024

What does low mean in aurora forecast? ›

Take a look at this scale to size up your chances of seeing the Northern Lights: 0-2: Low, almost no activity. Even with such a forecast, it's still worth heading out if the sky is clear. 2-3: Moderate activity, but there are good chances to catch a glimpse of the aurora. This is the most common forecast.

What does disturbance level mean on the aurora app? ›

The KP index is one of the most known data for aurora. Related to the disturbance in the Earth's Magnetic field, it expresses the scale of activity on a level from 0 to 9. The higher it gets, the more chance you will see the Northern Lights far from the center of the Pole.

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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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